Monday 25 November 2013

The Famous TEDxEuston Bookstand

This year as always, we will have a bookstand at TEDxEuston 2013, and we have a great line up of books recently written by our speakers. We have also asked them to kindly make the time to sign copies of the books that are purchased at the stands! As always, we are selling them at exactly the same price that we get them from the publishers. So come prepared! Unlike previous years however, due to popular demand/request we will also be accepting all debit/credit cards.

Find below a synposis of the three books we will have available!

Reforming the Unreformable- lessons from Nigeria byDr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

This book is Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala’s account of her first stint as Minister of Finance in Nigeria. The key message of the book is that even in the face of entrenched resistance, change is possible where there is the political will. Even though there are barriers to a change, especially in the complex country that Nigeria is,  “Reforming the Unreformable” advocates a look into the fight against corruption, debt negotiations, and an implementation of structural reforms. The FT summarises it as a "handbook for her peers anywhere on how to combat vested interests opposing change".

Ending & Beginnings- A Story of healing by Redi Thabi

Redi Tlhabi’s debut novel, "Endings & Beginnings" is simply a masterpiece in the way it brings home to the reader the tragic effects of apartheid in the lives of different members of a community living in Soweto. It is an account of a tragic social and economic history, where the brutality of an economic system brought unimaginable suffering, and had a destructive effect on the psyche of a population struggling to make sense of their own existence.  A book that brings you to anger, and to tears. Its strength lies in its simple honesty of the effects of a sad era in South’s Africa’s history.

Black Like You- An Autobiography by Herman Mashaba

This is a personal story of survival and determination in the midst of adversity. The power of self belief, which is embodied in having a vision, daring to dream, and making it happen. A struggle which occurred during the apartheid regime, and went on to shape Herman’s world view, and define his resolve not to allow the challenges of life to weigh him down. It is a story of entrepreneurship, how a Herman Mashaba stayed true to his ambitions, and built and grew a successful high impact business, despite the challenges he was faced with.

A few tickets left at 

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