It is finally that time of the year when we offer you the product of months of scrutiny and discussions. We have searched the continent for stories: stories that are ours to own and to tell. Stories that will make you think, smile and strive. We have searched too for the people to tell them - people that we want to hear from, and we know you will too. We want to keep challenging conventional wisdom on perspectives from and about our continent.
Despite the challenges across the continent, we are convinced that there is much more good than bad going on....and this year we will reflect of that famous quote from one of the founding fathers of contemporary Africa; Kwame Nkrumah - “We face neither East nor West; We face forward". This is a great metaphor for seeking a path that we define and design. A path that is ours. We hope that you'll join us again at TEDxEuston 2014!
It may be better to get you tickets now....
or you could wait until Monday :)