Thursday, 21 August 2014

Music as a journey - Bumi Thomas at TEDxEustonSalon 2014

Bumi Thomas is a singer/songwriter with an acoustic style composed of a fusion of Jazz, folkore, blues, high life, afro-beat rythms and reggae. Bumi uses her understanding of humanity as well as her interpretation of the journey of the human life as inspiration in her art, to evoke heart-felt feelings and to positively awaken the human emotional spectrum. Listen as she serenades, captivates and engages her audience at the TEDxEuston salon 2014 with her sultry voice. She is a true example of how we can use our unique gifts to stimulate the human consciousness.

Relax, watch, listen and enjoy…here

Missed it? Register now for TEDxEuston 2014!

1 comment:

  1. Listen as she serenades, captivates and engages her audience at the TEDxEuston salon 2014 with her sultry voice. She is a true example of how we can use our unique gifts to stimulate the human consciousness. chart
